01/25/2024 Update MDP for SHA-256 certificates Reason for update: New browser updates demand a SHA-256 certificate. Older Windows WEC7 images may contain only SHA1 certificates. In that case the browser will regret a connection to the WEC7 device. Solution is to update the MDP files, remove the old SHA1 certificate that the MDP generates a new SHA-256 certificate. Update MDP (Modular Device Profile) components to generate SHA-256 certificates. Steps: - rename existing files in "Hard Disk\System\" Old name New name MDP.dll ==> MDP.dll.old MdpApi.dll ==> MdpApi.dll.old mdpmessage.xml ==> mdpmessage.xml.old - copy new files from zip content to "Hard Disk\System\" MDP.dll MdpApi.dll mdpmessage.xml - rename existing SHA1 certificate in "\Hard Disk\BkIpcDiag\Certs" #DeviceName#.cer Example: CX-7654A0.cer ==> CX-7654A0.cer.old - reboot system - Check if new certificate exists in "\Hard Disk\BkIpcDiag\Certs"